Two Incredible Projects, One New Tomorrow


Project: New Tomorrow has always been home to a diverse variety of projects and offerings related to the past, present, and future of themed entertainment. From exploring digital realms on our Minecraft server to our digital and audio experiences, we try our best to provide a wide range of content for everyone. The next step in this mission is to promote and present individual creators and platforms with the goal of uplifting and sharing their talents.

With that said, we are pleased to announce that Splash Mountain Archives and Defining Disney have joined the Project: New Tomorrow family.

Changes and Modifications

You are probably thinking, how does this work? What is going to change? While some minor tweaks will be made within the coming days, the core foundation of these platforms will not. The individual creators of these projects maintain full creative and operational control over their projects and will collaborate under our brand as long as content adheres to our established platform guidelines.

Essentially, Project: New Tomorrow acts as the primary host that showcases a variety of smaller individual projects and brands, whether developed under us or externally.

Project: New Tomorrow will be working alongside these creators to help further promote their content as well as provide them with the tools to ensure continued success, and they are free to leave if they wish to do so.

Transparency is crucial to us in order to showcase our emphasis on individuality and creating a home for projects to shine. Below is an outline of our future plans for each of these entities:

Splash Mountain Archives

Paying homage to the beloved log flume attraction, this platform will offer historical retrospectives as well as a wide digital archive based around Disney’s Splash Mountain.

In order to achieve this goal, Splash Mountain Archives will become strictly dedicated to the mission statement behind the project.

We will use Instagram and a dedicated website to showcase content in a format that works best for this type of project. As a result, the current Twitter (X) account “@splasharchives” will be discontinued, and all future content will be posted on the Instagram account “@splashmntarchives.”

This website is now under active development, and we encourage visitors to stay tuned to our website and the Splash Mountain Archives Instagram for further information when it becomes available.

Defining Disney

This digital creator showcases rare music and videos related to The Walt Disney Company, along with retrospectives and essays on lesser-known Disney attractions and experiences.

At this time, Defining Disney will continue to operate as it has with no changes to content or direction.

The Future

We are working with Splash Mountain Archives and Defining Disney to develop proper websites and digital preservation spaces for their content. This is definitely not something that will happen overnight, so be sure to stay tuned to our website for more information in the future.


We feel that this announcement fully embodies the spirit and mission of Project: New Tomorrow, a platform that continues to expand and become something truly “By the fans, for the fans.” We are thrilled to get to work with these two passionate and talented creators in order to boost all platforms with unique digital content.

Welcome to the Project: New Tomorrow family!